Product Details


10 mg/mL (40 mg/4mL)
Solution for Subcutaneous Injection
Multidose 4-mL Vial (With Preservative)




Ipsen Limited

Formulary Listing Date


Unit Price


Amount MOH Pays


Coverage Status

Exceptional Access Program Product

ODB Formulary Therapeutic Classification

Therapeutic Note


ATC Code


Interchangeable Products


LU Clinical Criteria


EAP Criteria

Therapeutic Class Reimbursement Criteria
Metabolic/Genetic Modifiers


  • Brand(s): Increlex
  • Dosage Form/Strength: 40 mg/mL Injection
  • Effective date: May 26, 2023

Initiation Criteria: 

For the treatment of growth failure in patients with confirmed severe primary insulin-like growth factor deficiency (SPIGFD) who meet ALL the following criteria:

  1. Patient is 2 to 18 years of age; AND 

  1. Patient is at least 2 years of age at the time of treatment initiation; AND 

  1. Epiphyseal growth plates have not closed; AND 

  1. SPIGFD diagnosis is confirmed as defined by
    having a known genetic mutation that causes SPIGFD (e.g., mutations in the GH receptor (GHR) gene/Laron’s syndrome, post-GHR signaling pathway, and IGF-1 gene defects) (See Note 1)
    b) having clinical and biochemical features of SPIGFD:
    height standard deviation score –3.0 AND
    basal IGF-1 levels below the 2.5th percentile for age and gender AND
    GH sufficiency (i.e., patient is not GH deficient; random or stimulated GH level of > 10 ng/mL and failure to increase IGF-1 by 50 ng/mL in response to exogenous GH during an IGF-1 generation test)
    exclusion of secondary forms of IGF-1 deficiency, such as malnutrition, hypopituitarism, hypothyroidism, or chronic treatment with pharmacologic doses of anti-inflammatory steroids.


  2. Patient is under the care of, or in consultation with a pediatric endocrinologist; AND

  3. Mecasermin is not being used in combination with recombinant growth hormone (GH) treatment. 


  • Not all cases of SPIGFD have an identifiable genetic variant and case-by-case consideration may be provided if the clinical and biochemical criteria are not supported by a genetic diagnosis or by the presence of GH antibodies.

Discontinuation Criteria: 

Treatment with mecasermin must be discontinued upon the occurrence of any ONE or more of the following:

  • height velocity is less than 1 cm per 6 months or less than 2 cm per year, or 

  • bone age is more than 16 years in boys and 14 years in girls. 

  • Patient is 19 years of age or older 

  • Epiphyseal plates have closed

Renewal Criteria: 

Renewal of funding of Mecasermin will be considered in patients who do not meet any of the discontinuation criteria and who do not develop unacceptable toxicities. 

Recommended dose: The recommended starting dose is 0.04 to 0.08 mg/kg (40 to 80 mcg/kg) twice daily by subcutaneous injection up to a maximum dose of 0.12 mg/kg (120 mcg/kg) SC twice daily. 

Approval duration for initial and renewal requests: 1 year

EAP Drug Request Form:

Standard Form for EAP Drug Requests

Product Monograph

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