Product Details


5 mg




Mantra Pharma Inc.

Formulary Listing Date


Unit Price


Amount MOH Pays


Coverage Status

Limited Use Product Chronic-Use Medication

ODB Formulary Therapeutic Classification

Therapeutic Note


ATC Code


Interchangeable Products

DIN/ PIN/ NPN Brand name Unit Price Amount MOH pays
02322579 Sandoz Finasteride 0.3506 0.3506
02455013 Riva-Finasteride 0.3506 0.3506
02306905 Ratio-Finasteride 0.3506 0.3506
02010909 Proscar 2.5610 0.3506
02310112 PMS-Finasteride 0.3506 0.3506
02348500 Novo-Finasteride 0.3506 0.3506
02389878 Mint-Finasteride 0.3506 0.3506
02357224 Jamp-Finasteride 0.3506 0.3506
02355043 Finasteride Tablets USP 0.3506 0.3506
02447541 Finasteride 0.3506 0.3506
02445077 Finasteride 0.3506 0.3506
02405814 Auro-Finasteride 0.3506 0.3506
02365383 Apo-Finasteride 0.3506 0.3506
02522489 M-Finasteride 0.3506 0.3506

LU Clinical Criteria

LU Code Auth. Period Clinical Criteria
384 Indefinite

For use in combination with an alpha blocker for the treatment of men with symptomatic* Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.

*Symptomatic is defined as having moderate (about half the time) to severe (almost always) symptoms related to the prostate in at least 4 of the following domains:
1. feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder after voiding
2. needing to urinate again less than 2 hours after previous void
3. stopping and starting urine several times while voiding
4. difficulty postponing urination
5. weak urinary stream
6. pushing or straining to begin voiding
7. the need to get up to void at least 3 times in the night.

385 Indefinite

For monotherapy, as a second line agent in patients with symptomatic* Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia following treatment failure or intolerance to an alpha blocker.

*Symptomatic is defined as having moderate (about half the time) to severe (almost always) symptoms related to the prostate in at least 4 of the following domains:
1. feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder after voiding
2. needing to urinate again less than 2 hours after previous void
3. stopping and starting urine several times while voiding
4. difficulty postponing urination
5. weak urinary stream
6. pushing or straining to begin voiding
7. the need to get up to void at least 3 times in the night.


EAP Criteria


Product Monograph

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